Athletics | Crafting | Nature | Perception | Religion | Scholar | Social | Subterfuge |
31 | 5 | 1 | 16 | 7 | 7 | 12 | 14 |
d20 +29 to Attack Body Defense | +67 to Damage
- Basic Attack
- This is Dean Winchester's Basic Attack.
- 4d10 Damage Target: 1 Space Range: 8 Spaces Duration: Instant
- Combat Maneuvers
- Look to the Power Tab for Dean Winchester's Combat Maneuvers.
- Powerhouse Punch
- Tired of your target you unleash a Powerhouse Punch!
- 16d12 Damage (104) Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
d20 +29 to Attack Body Defense | +67 to Damage
- Devil Trap Round
- You shoot a special bullet carved with the symbol of a Devil's Trap into your enemy. This slows down your enemy greatly and damaged them.
- 5d8 Damage (23) Target: Creature (1) Range: 7 Spaces Duration: 4 Rounds
- Speed -4 Target: Creature (1) Range: 7 Spaces Duration: 4 Rounds
- Murderous Rage
- Fueled by the passion and the need to kill your enemies you fly into a murderous rage. Those in front of you in a small area will take a lot of Hit Point Damage.
- 19d12 Damage (124) Target: AOE (2x2) Range: 2 Spaces Duration: Instant
- Shotgun Saltblast
- You level off your sawed off shotgun and blast some enemies with the salt shot you loaded. It doesn't do a lot of damage but it does sting for a bit!
- 5d12 Damage (33) Target: AOE (3x3) Range: 4 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
- Smoldering Gaze
- Distracting your target with your handsome face your target forgets exactly how to use their weapons. Your target's Attack is reduced for a few rounds.
- Attack -5 Target: Creature (1) Range: 10 Spaces Duration: 3 Rounds
d20 +29 to Attack Body Defense | +67 to Damage
- Bolstered by Burgers and Pie
- Having eaten a wonderful meal of a burger and a slice of pie you are ready to take on any challenge. This increases your Defenses and Hit Points for a few rounds.
- Defenses +3 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 3 Rounds
- Hit Points +25 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 3 Rounds
- Dude, You Fugly!
- Shouting "Dude, You Fugly!" at your enemy fills you with confidence. This increases your Combat Maneuvers roll greatly.
- Combat Maneuvers +4 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
- Unstoppable Pursuit
- With determination and the will to not be stopped, you surge after your target. Your Speed, Resistance, and Attack increase for a short time.
- Attack +5 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 2 Rounds
- Resistance +15 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 2 Rounds
- Speed +3 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 2 Rounds
- Family Ties
- Dean Winchester is a human and hunter as well as a member of the Men of Letters with his younger brother Sam. He and his brother are members of the Winchester and Campbell families, and Dean is also the destined vessel of the archangel Michael. He and Sam are also the surrogate sons of Bobby Singer.
- Friends and Connections
- Dean is very close to the angel Castiel, close friend to the late prophet Kevin Tran, and reluctant ally of Crowley. Dean has an ex-girlfriend, Lisa Braeden who he lived with for a year when he thought Sam was in Hell. She has a child named Ben, who Dean acted as a father for. Dean is also the former apprentice of Alastair.
- To Hell and Back
- Dean has died, been to Purgatory, and toyed with by both demons and angels. This has left Dean cold and jaded.
- 1967 Chevrolet Impala
- It was passed down to him by his father, who bought it in 1973 after a future Dean convinces him to buy it over a 1964 VW Van.The car has 327 Engine and a Four Barrel carburetor. Dean refers to the Impala affectionately as "Baby."
Dean Winchester's Equipped Items
- Defenses +8
- This effect grants Defenses +8.
- Primary Power Points +20
- This effect will add 20 Power Points to the Primary Power Point pool.
- Social +5
- This effect grants Social +5.
- Subterfuge +7
- This effect grants Subterfuge +7.
- Improved Social Skill Focus
- Increase Social Skill by 6.
- Improved Subterfuge Skill Focus
- Increase Subterfuge Skill by 6.
- Hit Points +50
- This effect will modify Hit Points +50.
- Recovery +80
- This effect will grant Recovery +80.
- Resistance +20
- This effect will grant Resistance +20.
- Greater Revive Roll Increase
- Increase your Revive roll by 4.
- Improved Reaction
- Increase Reaction by 3.
- Improved Speed
- Increase Speed by 3.
- Attack +7
- This effect grants Attack +7.
- Damage +36
- This effect grants Damage +36.
- Greater Enhanced Damage
- Add 4 dice to all powers that damage Hit Points.
- Greater Vicious Critical
- Optional Critical Hit table roll increased by 4.
- Improved Enhanced Critical Attack
- Critical Attacks become a 18 or higher if the Attack hits. Only 20's auto-hit.
Dean Winchester's Unequipped Items
Unmodified Powers are listed on this page. Errors for Powers will also be displayed.
- Powerhouse Punch
- Tired of your target you unleash a Powerhouse Punch!
- 12d12 Damage Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
- Basic Attack
- This is a basic attack. Either Body Attack versus Body Defense or Mind Attack versus Mind Defense. This would be the Power used for attacks that the character does not have a specific Power for. Examples might be throwing an object or grabbing some object and attacking with it. This Power is the stand in for all such actions.
- 4d10 Damage Target: Creature (1) Range: 8 Duration: Instant
- Exploit Weakness
- You attempt to find a weakness in the target. Roll a Mind Attack versus Mind Defense. On a successful Attack the target will suffer a penalty to Defenses for a round due to exposing a weaknesses.
- Defenses -4 Target: Creature (1) Range: 16 Duration: 1 Round
- Head Games
- You attempt to mess with your target's head. Roll Spirit Attack against Spirit Defense. On a successful Attack, you can dictate who the target must attack. If they fail to attack the Head Games target, then they suffer an Attack penalty.
- Attack -4 Target: Creature (1) Range: 16 Duration: 1 Round
- Knock Around
- You attempt to move a target. Roll Body Attack versus Body Defense. On a successful Attack, you are able to move the target. Size differences can modify the amount moved.
- Move Enemy 5 Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Duration: Instant
- Reckless Offense
- Use this to recklessly attack in combat. This grants both bonuses and penalties for a round. At anytime during this Combat Maneuver an At-Will Power can be used.
- Speed +4 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Attack +4 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Defenses -4 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Careful Defense
- Use this to increase your Defenses. During this action you may only use defensive disposable items.
- Speed +4 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Defenses +4 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Parley
- Attempts to calm down the conflict by moving from Battle Time to Turn time. Body, Mind, or Spirit attacks can be used against the corrisponding Defenses. Read Combat Maneuver Rules for more information.
- Combat Manuever Attack +4 Target: 4 Creatures Range: 16 Spaces Duration: 1 Round
- Devil Trap Round
- You shoot a special bullet carved with the symbol of a Devil's Trap into your enemy. This slows down your enemy greatly and damaged them.
- 1d8 Damage Target: Creature (1) Range: 7 Spaces Duration: 4 Rounds
- Speed -4 Target: Creature (1) Range: 7 Spaces Duration: 4 Rounds
- Murderous Rage
- Fueled by the passion and the need to kill your enemies you fly into a murderous rage. Those in front of you in a small area will take a lot of Hit Point Damage.
- 15d12 Damage Target: AOE (2x2) Range: 2 Spaces Duration: Instant
- Shotgun Saltblast
- You level off your sawed off shotgun and blast some enemies with the salt shot you loaded. It doesn't do a lot of damage but it does sting for a bit!
- 1d12 Damage Target: AOE (3x3) Range: 4 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
- Smoldering Gaze
- Distracting your target with your handsome face your target forgets exactly how to use their weapons. Your target's Attack is reduced for a few rounds.
- Attack -5 Target: Creature (1) Range: 10 Spaces Duration: 3 Rounds
- Bolstered by Burgers and Pie
- Having eaten a wonderful meal of a burger and a slice of pie you are ready to take on any challenge. This increases your Defenses and Hit Points for a few rounds.
- Defenses +3 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 3 Rounds
- Hit Points +25 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 3 Rounds
- Dude, You Fugly!
- Shouting "Dude, You Fugly!" at your enemy fills you with confidence. This increases your Combat Maneuvers roll greatly.
- Combat Maneuvers +4 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
- Unstoppable Pursuit
- With determination and the will to not be stopped, you surge after your target. Your Speed, Resistance, and Attack increase for a short time.
- Attack +5 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 2 Rounds
- Resistance +15 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 2 Rounds
- Speed +3 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 2 Rounds
- Minor Damage Resistance
- 'Reduce damage by 5 anytime damage is taken.
- Minor Defenses
- 'Add 1 to all Defenses.
- Minor Hit Points
- 'Add 10 Hit Points.
- Minor Speed
- 'Increase Speed by 1.
- Lesser Damage Resistance
- 'Reduce damage by 10 anytime damage is taken.
- Lesser Defenses
- 'Add 2 to all Defenses.
- Lesser Hit Points
- 'Add 30 Hit Points.
- Lesser Speed
- 'Increase Speed by 2.
- Improved Defenses
- 'Add 3 to all Defenses.
- Minor Primary Power Point Increase
- 'Increase Primary Power Pool by 10 points.
- Minor Attack Accuracy
- 'Add 1 to all attacks.
- Improved Hit Points
- 'Add 60 Hit Points.
- Greater Defenses
- 'Add 4 to all Defenses.
- Greater Hit Points
- 'Add 100 Hit Points.
- Lesser Attack Accuracy
- 'Add 2 to all attacks.
Use the following table only if you have very special character modifications that need to be made and they cannot be added anywhere else. These should be things like special GM bonuses and other "cheater" modifications. All normal Atomic RPG System character additions should be able to be made elsewhere.
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- Keep track of npcs and their motivations.
- Track the power structure of a city.
- Keep a character diary.
- Write detailed notes of quests.
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