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Real Time

The Atomic RPG System system is about roleplaying. Roleplaying is when a person, or player, creates a character. This character should have a personality, motivations, goals, and other attributes which transforms an idea into an interesting, fun, and detailed character.

The Atomic RPG System allows players to focus on roleplay and leave the technicalities to the system. In the Atomic RPG System system new role players will find our system both easier in the beginning and much better in the long run.

Why? Because the answer to the question “Can I play [whatever the player wants to play]” is a resounding YES!

The best time during a Atomic RPG System game to embrace, build, and work with roleplaying is during the Game Mode known as Real Time. This game mode is open and fluid. As in many games this is played in real time and is much more story and roleplay based than mechanic based. There may be a few Skill Checks in Real Time, but overall this going to be story and open roleplay time.

This is where players act as their characters. Some players even come up with accents, clothes, props, and many other things to make a more complete character. Real Time is the place to showcase what each player does with their character.

The roleplay part of a Atomic RPG System game is the most important part of the Atomic RPG System system. Roleplay time gives players, player characters, and the Game Master a chance to roleplay freely. This means they can do and say whatever comes to mind during the course of play. It is a much less structured part of the game but offers the most freedom to truly explore whatever setting you are in.

Game Master Job in Real Time

The Game Master is encouraged to let Real Time go on as long as the players remain in character. This will only let the players get more into their character and the story of the Atomic RPG System game. Real Time is a great time to let players almost take control of the game while they develop and work through not only their own characters, but the characters of the other players around the table.

During Atomic RPG System Game Time, the Game Master (GM) should be setting the scene for the situation. This involves explaining the world, the story, the environment, the non-player characters (NPCs), and anything else relevant to the story. Players can freely interact with each other and non-player characters during this time. These activities are absolutely vital to the quality of your Atomic RPG System roleplay experience.

There are not a lot of rules involved with this level of play as it is important to let the GM and PC’s do whatever they need to do to make the game interesting and fun. It is acceptable to have a roll or two during roleplay Real Time but if you find the game getting into any kind of competing rolling or challenges with NPC’s it is time to move the game to a more structured Turn Time.

Some Examples of Real Time

Real Time in the Atomic RPG System covers everything that isn’t specifically Turn Time or Battle Time. This means that Real Time will ultimately be the vast majority of the game time that is played in. There is no set duration to Real Time but it should never be shorter than the actual, real world time, it takes to do things. Real Time can easily encompass hours, weeks, months, and even years of in game time. Here are some example situations where the Game Mode should be Real Time

Rules and Conduct of Play

There are few truly mechanical rules of the Atomic RPG System that come into play during Real Time, since it’s a freeform style of playing. However, there are a handful of guidelines that should be followed to make sure that this time in the game, as well as others, is enjoyable for everyone at the table.

Respect the Spotlight

When the attention is on another character, let it remain there until they are done.

Stay in Character

The more you remain in character the better. This means to talk like, act like, and make decisions as your character would, not as a player.

Avoid Distractions

Limit all conversation and discussion that is not directly related to the game.

Do not text or surf the net.

Have Interest in All Characters

Take an interest in other characters at the table, not just your own. This fosters good group dynamics. Many roleplay gamers may have intricate back stories and personalities.

Besides, how can a player expect to have others interested in their character if they are not interested in other characters?

This is where most of the game is played and where most of the true character development and roleplay will happen in the Atomic RPG System. Make the most of it to get the most from the Atomic RPG System. There is almost no mention of rolls, Trait Scores or Powers during Real Time. In this part of the Atomic RPG System, your character IS your roleplaying. A character sheet might help to guide a player or keep them on track but the numbers on the sheet mean little here in the most important game mode for story telling and adventure advancement. So make Real Time count!

When the action starts to get heated or game play begins to move towards something requiring die rolls, and more order is needed in the game, the GM will let the table know that they are moving to Turn Time.

Actions and Mechanics in Real Time

There are a few Actions and things that are done during Real Time that include specific game mechanics. These are listed below to show some of the few examples of Actions that can be taken during Real Time that would not otherwise change the Game Mode to Turn Time or Real Time.

There may be a few other things that a player may want to do during Real Time. This will be up to the Game Master to determine what they can or can’t accomplish. It all depends on the situation and the story that the Game Master has woven for the players.

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