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Atomic RPG System Character Search

Use the Atomic RPG System Character Search tool to browse through the Atomic RPG System database of player characters and non player characters.  The Atomic RPG System Character Search tool is a great way to find awesome characters to help players get ideas for their own characters.

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Atomic RPG System Character Search

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20 Random Atomic RPG Characters
Grimlore Jabberjaw
6th Level PC, View Character Focused Neutral Combatant
Image of Grimlore Jabberjaw Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 157 Body 24 Body 8 Combatant 14   P Offensive Combatant
Res 10 Mind 18 Mind 2 Mystic 2 2 S Offensive Generalist
Rec 0 Spirit 23 Spirit 7 Generalist   7 T Defensive Generalist
Combat Preference Grimlore Jabberjaw prefers to battle targets at any distance.
A dour and downright surely dwarf, Grimlore Jabberjaw seems to be an unending tirade of stories of woe and defeat. His loud and domineering presence seems to be an unending source of knowledge and history. Grimlore always seems to focus on the terrible things in a story, always pulling lessons learned and warnings of doom from his grim and horrific tales. These tales help Grimlore have an amazing ability to sway both enemy and allies alike in battle. Grimlore wields a maul in battle when he can.
Sentry Drone
4th Level NPC Grunt , View Character Devoted Aggressor Generalist
Image of Sentry Drone Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 33 Body 14 Body 5 Combatant 4   P Offensive Generalist
Res 0 Mind 14 Mind 5 Mystic 4 4
Rec 0 Spirit 20 Spirit 11 Generalist   14
Combat Preference Sentry Drone prefers to battle targets one on one at any distance.
These sentry drones are usually deployed in groups of 5 to 10. It is hard to sneak past these drones with their many sensors. Upon detection they alert the security system. They will only engage if they are set to defend a particular area or are attacked. Using stun darts to slow enemies they also come equipped with short range electrical pulse weapons to slow down would be intruders until the guards arrive.
Orc Swarmer
1st Level NPC Minion , View Character Devoted Aggressor Combatant
Image of Orc Swarmer Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 1 Body 15 Body 6 Combatant 6   P Offensive Combatant
Res 0 Mind 12 Mind 3 Mystic 2 2
Rec 0 Spirit 12 Spirit 3 Generalist   2
Combat Preference Orc Swarmer prefers to battle targets one on one up close.
An orc is a humanoid creature that is brutish, aggressive and repulsive. Orcs attack first and ask questions later. Orcs are a chaotic group and generally follow the commands of the strongest and meanest of their group. Orc swarmer’s are the weakest of the orcs with the most to prove. They often rush into battle without thought trying to prove themselves superior to their rivals. Few survive such mindless abandon, but those that do move up the ranks of orcs.
Goblin Inciter
1st Level NPC Specialist , View Character Focused Protector Generalist
Image of Goblin Inciter Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 32 Body 17 Body 7 Combatant 6   P Defensive Generalist
Res 0 Mind 15 Mind 5 Mystic 4 4
Rec 0 Spirit 19 Spirit 9 Generalist   9
Combat Preference Goblin Inciter prefers to battle targets at any distance.
This is the Goblin Inciter for the Instant Play Atomic RPG System Adventure. However, these can also be used in any other Atomic RPG System game. Goblin Inciters give the orders to attack and are the last to enter battle. They only attack if their numbers are greater. Goblin Inciters encourage and heal other goblins to fight for them rather than getting into combat themselves if it can be avoided. They may also act at the negotiator when letting victims go.
Troll of the Moaning Moor
9th Level NPC Specialist , View Character Focused Protector Generalist
Image of Troll of the Moaning Moor Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 214 Body 32 Body 14 Combatant 14   P Defensive Generalist
Res 15 Mind 27 Mind 9 Mystic 9 9
Rec 10 Spirit 33 Spirit 15 Generalist   24
Combat Preference Troll of the Moaning Moor prefers to battle targets at any distance.
These nasty trolls live to ambush unsuspecting prey. They have great defensive and buffing abilities which they use to beef themselves up and then just claw away at things.
Orc Spell Weaver
9th Level NPC Champion , View Character Focused Protector Mystic
Image of Orc Spell Weaver Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 458 Body 25 Body 11 Combatant 11   P Defensive Mystic
Res 0 Mind 34 Mind 20 Mystic 20 29
Rec 0 Spirit 30 Spirit 16 Generalist   16
Combat Preference Orc Spell Weaver prefers to battle groups of targets from afar.
An orc is a humanoid creature that is brutish, aggressive and repulsive. Orcs attack first and ask questions later. Orcs are a chaotic group and generally follow the commands of the strongest and meanest of their group. Orc Spell Weavers are considered some of the smartest and most dangerous of orcs. Harnessing the raw power of magic they imbue their allies with strength and bring death to their enemies.
Wizard - Instant Play Quest
1st Level PC, View Character Balanced Protector Mystic
Image of Wizard - Instant Play Quest Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 30 Body 13 Body 3 Combatant 2   P Offensive Mystic
Res 0 Mind 19 Mind 9 Mystic 8 9 S Defensive Mystic
Rec 0 Spirit 13 Spirit 3 Generalist   2 T Defensive Mystic
Combat Preference Wizard - Instant Play Quest prefers to battle targets at any distance.
This character was created for the Instant Play Fyxt RPG Quest. This Wizard is built to be able to do a lot of different things depending on the situation. This character is meant to fill a more utilitarian role in the group.
Magma Cube, Lesser
9th Level NPC Grunt , View Character Balanced Protector Generalist
Image of Magma Cube, Lesser Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 98 Body 34 Body 14 Combatant 11   P Offensive Generalist
Res 0 Mind 33 Mind 13 Mystic 10 10
Rec 0 Spirit 34 Spirit 14 Generalist   20
Combat Preference Magma Cube, Lesser prefers to battle targets up close.
This mass of magma burns with an internal constant heat. Scholars think that vengeful and hateful souls inhabit Magma Cubes. These souls are what gives what otherwise would be a normal part of nature a bit of intelligence and the need to feed on the living. One of the worst parts of magma cubes are when they are “killed” they split and become two smaller versions of themselves.
Lizarkfolk Skinner
9th Level NPC Minion , View Character Focused Aggressor Generalist
Image of Lizarkfolk Skinner Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 1 Body 20 Body 8 Combatant 5   P Offensive Generalist
Res 0 Mind 23 Mind 11 Mystic 8 8
Rec 0 Spirit 25 Spirit 13 Generalist   19
Combat Preference Lizarkfolk Skinner prefers to battle targets one on one up close.
Lizardfolk Skinners are minions of larger Lizardfolk groups. They usually accompany more powerful lizardfolk to learn their tactics and assist in battle. Though inexperienced, they can be just as fierce as the more powerful lizardfolk.
Cloud Giant Raider
11th Level NPC Specialist , View Character Focused Aggressor Mystic
Image of Cloud Giant Raider Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 413 Body 27 Body 16 Combatant 13   P Offensive Mystic
Res 0 Mind 31 Mind 20 Mystic 28 17
Rec 0 Spirit 24 Spirit 13 Generalist   10
Combat Preference Cloud Giant Raider prefers to battle targets at any distance.
This giant has a muscular humanoid build and handsome, well-defined features. Its skin is milky white tinged with blue, and it has silvery white hair. It wears fine clothes and has the look of sophistication. Its greed becomes apparent when it climbs down from the clouds and loots towns and villages. Often the precursor to a cloud giant attack is a vicious storm which they use to conceal their approach and hide their activities. Raids are often over before any resistance can be organized.
9th Level NPC Grunt , View Character Devoted Aggressor Mystic
Image of Deathclaw Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 128 Body 18 Body 11 Combatant 8   P Offensive Mystic
Res 0 Mind 26 Mind 19 Mystic 25 16
Rec 0 Spirit 18 Spirit 11 Generalist   8
Combat Preference Deathclaw prefers to battle targets one on one up close.
Deathclaws have a hunchback, humanoid build, with a reptilian head and limbs. They stand roughly nine to ten feet tall, with a thick and resilient hide, powerful muscles, and twelve-inch-long, razor-sharp claws that can kill almost any other creature with only a few swipes; hence their name.
9th Level NPC Specialist , View Character Focused Aggressor Mystic
Image of Enforcer Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 312 Body 22 Body 12 Combatant 9   P Offensive Mystic
Res 0 Mind 29 Mind 19 Mystic 25 16
Rec 0 Spirit 26 Spirit 16 Generalist   13
Combat Preference Enforcer prefers to battle targets one on one from afar.
Enforcers are the special members of the gang that help to enforce the gangs will. They handle situation where there is heavy resistance or outright hostility towards the game. They are fairly well equipped to take care of themselves and others.
Golem Fabricator
12th Level NPC Specialist , View Character Focused Protector Mystic
Image of Golem Fabricator Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 462 Body 25 Body 9 Combatant 9   P Defensive Mystic
Res 0 Mind 34 Mind 18 Mystic 18 30
Rec 0 Spirit 30 Spirit 14 Generalist   14
Combat Preference Golem Fabricator prefers to battle targets from afar.
Golem Fabricator creates golems. They hold the secret knowledge and do all of the work to gather, collect, and create everything they need to create the golem they are working on. They often have unsavory or even downright evil ways in which they accomplish their work.
Adamantine Guardian
16th Level NPC Boss , View Character Focused Aggressor Combatant
Image of Adamantine Guardian Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 2,787 Body 48 Body 31 Combatant 43   P Offensive Combatant
Res 20 Mind 43 Mind 26 Mystic 22 22
Rec 15 Spirit 41 Spirit 24 Generalist   20
Combat Preference Adamantine Guardian prefers to battle groups of targets up close.
This wicked spiked suit of dwarven armor is slightly larger them most dwarves. Upon closer inspection the suit itself is alive with a inner fire that seems to drive it. Electricity crackles across the tips of the armor spikes as it advances.
Sniper - Instant Play
1st Level PC, View Character Focused Neutral Mystic
Image of Sniper - Instant Play Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 32 Body 12 Body 3 Combatant 2   P Offensive Mystic
Res 0 Mind 16 Mind 7 Mystic 6 7 S Offensive Generalist
Rec 0 Spirit 14 Spirit 5 Generalist   4 T Defensive Generalist
Combat Preference Sniper - Instant Play prefers to battle targets one on one from afar.
This character designed for use with the sci-fi Instant Play Fyxt RPG Quest. The Sniper is a character that likes to fight single targets at range with weapons. The Sniper also has some stealth skill to sneak around and get into position for battle.
Rubbish Golem
14th Level NPC Champion , View Character Focused Aggressor Combatant
Image of Rubbish Golem Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 1,399 Body 38 Body 28 Combatant 38   P Offensive Combatant
Res 0 Mind 33 Mind 23 Mystic 19 19
Rec 0 Spirit 29 Spirit 19 Generalist   15
Combat Preference Rubbish Golem prefers to battle targets one on one up close.
Strong magic binds this seemingly random pile of rubbish into a form of a golem. Once created this Rubbish Golem will follow the commands of its Master, the creator, immediately and without question.
Skag Scavangers
10th Level NPC Specialist , View Character Focused Aggressor Combatant
Image of Skag Scavangers Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 237 Body 29 Body 20 Combatant 27   P Offensive Combatant
Res 0 Mind 25 Mind 16 Mystic 13 13
Rec 0 Spirit 21 Spirit 12 Generalist   9
Combat Preference Skag Scavangers prefers to battle targets one on one up close.
Skags are large, dog-like creatures, easily identified by their strong bony armor plates, aggressive behavior, and distinctive three-jawed mouths.
Bandit Buggy
10th Level NPC Specialist , View Character Focused Aggressor Mystic
Image of Bandit Buggy Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 237 Body 25 Body 16 Combatant 13   P Offensive Mystic
Res 0 Mind 29 Mind 20 Mystic 27 17
Rec 0 Spirit 21 Spirit 12 Generalist   9
Combat Preference Bandit Buggy prefers to battle targets at any distance.
This is a modified dune buggy that a bandit drives to get around, terrorize the neighbors, and to go out for groceries.
Badass Constructor
13th Level NPC Champion , View Character Balanced Aggressor Generalist
Image of Badass Constructor Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 876 Body 43 Body 23 Combatant 19   P Offensive Generalist
Res 20 Mind 43 Mind 23 Mystic 19 19
Rec 0 Spirit 43 Spirit 23 Generalist   32
Combat Preference Badass Constructor prefers to battle targets at any distance.
This Hyperion Constructor is a badass! It has an arsenal of weapons itself along with the ability to create more NPCs to fight. If not handled correctly, it can be near indestructible!
Bad Maw
16th Level NPC Boss , View Character Balanced Protector Generalist
Image of Bad Maw Health Defense Attack Bonuses D H Power Disciplines
HP 1,989 Body 53 Body 23 Combatant 23   P Defensive Generalist
Res 0 Mind 53 Mind 23 Mystic 23 23
Rec 0 Spirit 53 Spirit 23 Generalist   39
Combat Preference Bad Maw prefers to battle targets at any distance.
A beast of a man used to knock through defensible areas or to defend important areas. Always has many allies around them as his primary ability is to keep them alive. So as hard as it may be, it is smart to take on Bad Maw directly and ignore his troublesome cohorts.

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