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Atomic RPG System Character Archetype:

Mystics are the Atomic RPG System system’s mind and supernatural focused characters. In Dungeons and Dragons, these would be clerics, druids, sorcerers, or wizards. One of the many great things about the Atomic RPG System is that you do not have to narrow your choice into a “micro class”. In other words you don’t have to choose between “wizard” and “sorcerer”. Atomic RPG System players just pick Mystic as their overall Archetype then are free to mold and shape their character in any way they want.

Mystic characters in the Atomic RPG System cover a very wide range of possible characters.

The Mystic can also be a combination of these ideas. In the Atomic RPG System players are not stuck with a narrow vision of a character. Players can be part mage, part sorcerer, part druid, or healer. In the Atomic RPG System, the player, not books full of arbitrary rules, determines the specifics of the “class” of  the character.

What all Mystics have in common is that their Mind Trait is their primary Trait. As a Mystic, players will want to make sure that their Mind Trait is their highest Trait. It will be the primary Character Trait that will determine how good a character is at Mystic related Powers and effects.

Mystics can use a wide variety of things to implement their trade, such as supernatural abilities like magic, psychic power, weapons, tools,  or even just an amazing understanding of technology. The specific delivery method doesn’t matter. What matters is that players add the flavor and specifics they want to illustrate the character’s Powers and abilities.

Players who create Mystics will add their character level to the amount of overall healing they will do to their allies if they choose a Style of Neutral or Protector. If a player chooses the Aggressor Style then they will have their character level added to the amount of Hit Point Damage they cause instead.

If you visualize your Atomic RPG System Character as someone who uses magic, supernatural powers, or enhanced tech to tackle situations, devote themselves to healing others or destroying their foes, and would do it through Powers and Atomic RPG System Items, a Mystic Archetype is what you will want to play.

Learn More about the other Archetype


Primary focus on combat abilities.
Examples might include a sword master, sniper, or brawler that focuses on being a martial expert.


Primary focus on skills and utility abilities.
Examples might include a rogue, a bard, or hacker that likes to use skills and buffs to aid or harm others.

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