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Battle Time

In the Atomic RPG System, Battle Time Game Mode has the most rules, but it is fast and keeps the fun going. Combat encounters don’t grind to a halt over interrupted actions and character doing many actions. Players do one, then done. Moving on!

Players of the Atomic RPG System will find that combat stays fluid and exciting. All players get a chance to do something every round. No matter what kind of RPG action is going on. The one exception to this is when a player character is dead. The Atomic RPG System feels that players should always get to play!

Combat is exciting and fluid. This allows players to stay in character and engaged. Atomic RPG System has shorter rounds helping players stick with the action and to know what is happening. Each player has a completely customized toolbox of weapons and abilities to use against any enemies they encounter.

Best of all, Atomic RPG System groups will be able to have lots of encounters because of the ease of which they are presented, stepped through, and ultimately overcome.

To keep order during the life and death struggles of combat, Battle Time is broken down into a series of rounds. On each normal round all of the players and the Game Master will be able to take one turn. On these turns the players will have access to the following things they can do.

The order of Battle Time is determined by everyone rolling Reaction checks. The highest Reaction rolls will go first.


Being Ambushed

The order can change slightly if the player characters are ambushed or if they themselves do the ambushing.

In this case, the ambushers always go first, and those that get ambushed will go second.

Reactions will still be rolled to determine an order, but those doing the ambushing are automatically faster than those that were ambushed.

Player Character’s Turn in Battle Time

In every turn during Battle Time, each Player Character will be able to:

Perform an Action


Use a Free Action

What a player character can do in Battle Time is restricted. Events happen quickly but everyone wants to get their turn in, so it is important to keep strict order in the Atomic RPG System to keep the game flowing.

Perform an Action

Each player will be able to take one Action on their turn.
This Action will normally be using a Power but there are a few other things that a player can do as an Action.

Use a Power
Use a Skill
Activate a Magic Item
Use a Basic Attack
Use a Combat Maneuver


A player can move their Speed in Spaces each turn.
This can be modified by Powers, terrain and other combat modifiers.
Players can break a Move into separate “mini” Moves if they wish.

Example: Bob’s Speed is 8. He wants to heal 2 people. Bob can Move 2, use a healing Power(Action) on one character. Then Move 3 and use a healing potion on the second character(Free Action). Then Move away 3 more Spaces.

Free Action

Each character is allowed one Free Action they can use at anytime once they have already had a turn in the round..
A Free Action is something that can quickly aid in Encounter but doesn't require the game focus to change characters.

Speak up to 25 words.
Use Defensive only Disposable Items.
(Such as potions, elixirs, charges on a wand etc.)
Aid Another in a Skill Check
Dropping an Item.

A player character doesn’t have to use all parts of their turn if they do not want to. They can forgo any part of their turn. These actions are given up until the players next turn.

  • Powers that include movement count as an Action and not a Move.

Delaying Your Turn in Battle Time

You may delay your turn if you wish to go later in a round.

You may want to delay your turn if you are waiting for a group member to act or waiting for an answer to a question. If you Delay and then act later in that same turn, your Reaction order will change to the new place in which you acted. If you do not act while you are Delaying your turn, you will go back to your original Battle Time order at the end of the turn.

Talking in Battle Time

Talking during Battle Time can be very distracting, so every player needs to be sure to keep the subject on the game at hand.

Characters are able to talk during a round and even out of turn though they should keep this very limited.

First, very little time is actually passing in the game so there is no time for long discussions or debates about tactics.

Second a character should be limited to how much real talking and discussing is going on. For the most part characters should be limited to 25 words or 15 seconds during Battle Time. Players can speak up out of turn as long as they have already acted in the Encounter.

However, the Game Master can moderate this and allow players more or less talking during Battle Time depending on the situation.

Players should strive for speaking in character 100% of the time in Battle Time.

Atomic RPG System Battle Time Definitions

Order of Effects in Battle Time

Sometimes it comes down to a Hit Point here, a Minor Action there. Whatever it may be players need to sort out what happens when. When this happens it is important to know the exact order of when things will happen to the player on their turn. Here is the breakdown of the exact order of events.

Beginning of a Players Turn

All ongoing detrimental effects need to be accounted for. This means the player will take bleeding damage or other ongoing affects at this time.

Middle of a Players Turn

In the middle of a players turn is when they take all of their actions and do whatever it is they need to do. If they have any beneficial ongoing effects they are still active at this time helping the player. These would be things like bonuses to Attack or Defenses.

End of a Players Turn

All Ongoing beneficial effects take effect now such as any ongoing Healing or Recovery. If this is the last round of them working they finish at the end of the players turn.

Atomic RPG System Battle Time is Fast, Fun, and Furious

As you can see there are a lot more constraints when it comes to Battle Time. These are necessary to have clean, fun, and fast battles and conflicts in the Atomic RPG System. The Atomic RPG System is streamlined and fun. All players get to participate and the glory is spread between everyone in a Atomic RPG System game. So sharpen your swords and charge your blasters and jump into Battle Time with the Atomic RPG System.

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