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Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller

The Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller is a very useful tool for players of the Atomic RPG System. Players can keep gaming without dice! The random dice roller will roll both the Attack and Damage for Powers. This is very useful for players as well as a huge time saver for GM’s. Premium Atomic RPG System members enjoy additional calculations for Powers Boosts, Resists, and more!

The Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller is also a great tool to use to make large or complicated Power rolls. For example, 3d6+8 is easy to figure out, but 16d12+57 with a 30% Damage Boost is much harder. Atomic RPG System Players can use this random dice roller to make the calculations for them!

The Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller also presents averages of the random dice rolls it produces to simplify and speed up the game. These averages are also present on Character Sheets for ease of play as well. 

This is handy when players want to roll some dice, but don’t want to add up 15 of them!  To simplify the 16d12+57 roll, a player can enter 11d12+57 into the Random Dice Roller and write down the average of this roll (129). After determining the average of this roll, the player can roll a 5d12 plus the average (129) that the random dice roller gave them. This way the Atomic RPG System player has some randomness and excitement in the roll, but not the work of all the math involved.

The Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller is a vital tool for the Game Master! It can greatly speed up the game, optimize random dice rolls, and prevent unintentional mathematical errors. Games can be further sped up if the GM rolls damage ahead of time. Then can randomly pick from those pre-rolled results. It still makes it random, but also greatly speeds up the game.

This is what a Atomic RPG System player should enter into the Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller:

  • Attack Bonus: Enter the Attack Bonus of the Power and the Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller will display the Defense number that was hit.
  • Dice Number: The is amount of dice you want the random dice roller to roll.
  • Minimum: The minimum amount a die can do. This is useful if you have some Specialties or other bonuses that increase your base dice roll.
  • Dice Rolled: This is the type of dice the Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller will roll.
    • d4 (4 Sided Dice), d6 (6 Sided Dice), d8 (8 Sided Dice), d10 (10 Sided Dice), d12 (12 Sided Dice), d16 (16 Sided), d20 (20 Sided Dice), d50 (50 Sided Dice), d100 (100 Sided Dice).
  • Bonus: The Damage modifier for the Power the Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller should add. Most player characters will have some damage bonus that should be added to their final dice roll.

Click the Roll Dice button to have the Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller make your roll for you.

This is where a Atomic RPG System player should look for the results of the dice roll from the Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller:

Standard Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller Results

  • ATTACK: This is the number that the Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller rolled on the d20 for the Attack roll.
  • DEFENSE HIT: This is the Defense that was hit with the Attack.
  • HIT POINTS: This is the final calculated damage that the Power does from the Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller.
  • Average of Dice: This is the calculated average of just the dice rolled without the Bonus.
  • Average Total: This is the calculated average that the Atomic RPG System Random Die Roller produces for everything. This is very useful for condensing large rolls or simplifying both Damage and Healing totals.
  • Minimum: This is the absolute minimum that can be rolled.
  • Maximum: This is the absolute maximum that can be rolled.

Available to Premium Atomic RPG System Members

  • Percentage Damage: Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller calculations to help players easily figure out their Advanced Atomic RPG System Specialties for Slash Damage and Grazing Hits.
  • Boosted Total: Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller calculations to help players easily figure out their Advanced Atomic RPG System Specialties for Boosting a Power.
  • Resist Total: Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller calculations to help players easily figure out their Advanced Atomic RPG System Specialties for Resisting a Power.

Would you like access to these advanced features of the Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller? Subscribe as a premium Atomic RPG System member to gain access to these calculations and the Specialties, Powers, and Items that allow them!

Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller Log

This is a log of the last 20 Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller rolls. This can be quite helpful to keep track of the action during a Atomic RPG System game.

Visit Using Dice to play the Atomic Role Play Game for more about how dice are used in Atomic RPG System game play. See all the different ways that the Atomic RPG System Random Dice Roller can help you out during your RP gaming!

Atomic RPG Random Dice Roller
Attack Bonus Dice Number Minimum Dice Rolled Damage Bonus
  Attack Roll Defense Hit   Damage

Atomic RPG Random Dice Roller Detailed Results of Last Roll
Dice Average Average Total Minimum Maximum

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The advanced features of the Atomic RPG Random Dice Roller are only available to premium Atomic RPG subscribers. Increase your Atomic RPG subscription to gain access to the advanced features such as percentile calculations, boost, resists and more!
Atomic RPG Random Dice Roller Results Log

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