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Example Discipline Sets

In many roleplaying games such as Dungeons and Dragons, characters have spells, class abilities, racial traits, etc. These things that make a character unique are all wrapped up nice and neatly in the Atomic RPG System as Disciplines.

Atomic RPG System characters will have 2 or 3 Disciplines depending on their character choices. These Disciplines are what determines what a character can do during a Atomic RPG System game. The Disciplines chosen and how Powers within those Disciplines are built,  will determine the things a character can do.

Here are a few examples to illustrate some standard characters from other RPG’s like Dungeons and Dragons. Players can easily create anything they can think of in the Atomic RPG System. New players can use these example character sets as templates to start their own new characters. They are set up like this:

Example Character

A [Archetype] who is [Style] that is [Focus].
One sentence to describe the character.

Here are just a few examples

of the infinite character possibilities with the
Atomic RPG System!


A Combatant who is Neutral that is Balanced.
Adept at many things including stealth, battle, and even healing.


A Generalist who is a Protector that is Balanced.
Their goal is inflicting maximum damage as quickly as possible.


A Generalist who is a Protector that is Balanced. They help the group in many different ways with Buffs, Heals and Skills.


A Mystic who is a Protector that is Focused.
They heal party members and smites enemies using divine wrath.


A Mystic who is a Protector that is Balanced.
They want access to both damage and healing.


A Combatant who is an Aggressor that is Focused.
They are built to handle a variety of different combat situations.


A Combatant who is an Aggressor that is Devoted.
They are a dual-wielding trick-shot space cowboy.

Jedi Knight

A Combatant who is a Protector that is Focused. 
Heal and protects others, but can be vicious when pushed into combat.

Marine Sniper

A Combatant who is an Aggressor that is Balanced.
They have long range Powers that are deadly. Stealth, evasion, and misdirection also very important.


A Combatant who is a Protector that is Devoted.
They are fighting in the name of a chosen god or gods.  Everything else is just unimportant.


A Generalist who is Neutral that is Balanced.
This character is is equal parts skills, defense, and offense.


A Mystic who is Aggressor that is Balanced.
Armed with both long range and short range spells to lay waste to a battlefield.

These are just a few examples of how a player can mix and match Disciplines. There are a huge amount of possibilities of what a player can do with a character. The Atomic RPG System will allow players to make any kind of character they want with the Disciplines and Powers that work for the character.

There are few restrictions to how a player can mix and match their Disciplines. The one restriction that a player should keep in mind is that the character’s Primary Discipline Archetype has to be what the main Archetype of the character is. It will ultimately come down to the type and flavor of the Powers a player will design in these Disciplines.

This should be the final step in conceptualizing and building a Atomic RPG System character.  The Atomic RPG System system is streamlined, almost infinitely customizable!

Want to see other characters concepts?

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