Encounter Search
Looking for an Encounter you can use in your Atomic RPG System game quickly and easily? Then you are in the right place. With the Atomic RPG System Encounter Search you can find an encounter that fits your game.
First you will be presented with a set of random encounters. This might help give you some ideas of the type or style of Encounter you are looking for. Feel free to browse these to see what kind of Encounters others have created.
When you know what you are looking for use the Search Filters to search for the Encounter. Use as few or as many of the Search Filters as you need to. Most encounters can be found by using the type, level, and group size filters. But if you are looking for something specific use the Tags Filter. This allows you to search through things like genre, location, and a whole host of other things. Just start typing and the auto-fill will present you with options that are in the database.
Here are some random Fyxt Encounters. Click on the button with the card icon to view all the details of the Encounter.
Log in to Search Encounters or Sign Up For Free if you would like to search though the encounters.

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