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Atomic Power Database Search

Just like in other popular RPG’s like Dungeons and Dragons, the Atomic RPG System uses Powers to give the character a wide variety of special things that they can do, like spells and abilities in other RPG’s.


Here players can browse through and search the ever-expanding Atomic RPG System Power Database.

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Combatant Powers 885
Standard Atomic RPG Powers 1173
Generalist Powers 526
Advanced Atomic RPG Powers 582
Mystic Powers 380
Total Atomic RPG Powers 1755

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Random Atomic RPG Powers
Dragon Senses
You grant your target dragon like senses for the encounter.
  • Perception +10 Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Space Duration: Turn Time*
Aggression: Defensive | Discipline: Generalist | Use In: BT TT RT Cost: 152
Pine Javelin
You snatch up a smaller pine tree and throw it like a javelin! The massive projectile slams into your enemies and sends them tumbling.
  • 5d12 Damage Target: Spaces (9) Range: 10 Spaces Duration: Instant
  • Move Enemy 5 Target: Spaces (9) Range: 10 Spaces Duration: Instant
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant and Mystic | Use In: BT Cost: 166
Homicidal Rampage
Getting near you means death to the enemies!
  • 5d10 Damage Target: Aura 4 Range: 39 Spaces Duration: Instant
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant and Mystic | Use In: BT Cost: 739
Spike Stomp
You give the ground a hearty stomp which causes earthen spikes to shoot up out of the ground at your enemy.
  • 1d6 Damage Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant and Mystic | Use In: BT Cost: 6
Bad Baddie!
Smack those bad baddies something good!
  • 6d4 Damage Target: AOE (2×2) Range: 3 Spaces Duration: Instant
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant and Mystic | Use In: BT Cost: 42
You straight up try to smash anything that is foolish enough to get too close.
  • 6d12 Damage Target: AOE (3×3) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant and Mystic | Use In: BT Cost: 103
Combat Maneuver +3
As a trained fighter you are skilled in Combat Maneuvers. Once a combat you are able to use this Power to boost the d20 roll for a Combat Maneuver by 3.
  • Combat Maneuvers +3 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
Aggression: Defensive | Discipline: Combatant and Generalist | Use In: BT Cost: 6
Feast on Friends
Not wanting any of your friends to go to waste you feast on their dead bodies. Gross! But it gives you a boost
  • 7d10 Healing Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
  • Defenses +6 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 2 Rounds
Aggression: Defensive | Discipline: Generalist | Use In: BT TT RT Cost: 89
Breath of Fire
A massive breath of flame shoots out of your mouth enveloping your enemies in a large area. This disorients them briefly slowing their Speed for a short time.
  • 2d10 Damage Target: AOE (5×5) Range: 1 Space Duration: 1 Round
  • Speed -3 Target: AOE (5×5) Range: 1 Space Duration: 1 Round
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant | Use In: BT Cost: 110
Go Get Em!
Singling out one of your allies you sing them a song of encouragement and drive. "Go get em, go get em, go get em, go get em, go get em, go get em, go get em, go get em, (insert ally name)!" The enthusiasm drives your allie to greater heights with increased Attack and healing.
  • 1d6 Healing Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Space Duration: 1 Round
  • Attack +3 Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Space Duration: 1 Round
Aggression: Defensive | Discipline: Generalist | Use In: BT TT RT Cost: 17
Butcher'n Time
You pull out a meat hook and a chainsaw and decide to do a little bit of butchering! It's the freshest meat that is the best for a savory meal.
  • Attack +9 Target: Creature (1) Range: 8 Spaces Duration: Instant
  • 7d12 Damage Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Space Duration: 2 Rounds
  • Move Enemy 6 Target: Creature (1) Range: 6 Spaces Duration: Instant
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant | Use In: BT Cost: 190
Got Your Back
Staying out of the action you assure your allies that you've got their back. This gives them the courage and confidence to keep fighting.
  • 1d8 Healing Target: Creatures (2) Range: 10 Spaces Duration: 3 Rounds
  • Defenses +2 Target: Creatures (2) Range: 10 Spaces Duration: 3 Rounds
Aggression: Defensive | Discipline: Generalist | Use In: BT TT RT Cost: 126
High Caliber Penetration Round
You fire a high caliber round that blasts through a long line of enemies. Those in the path are left with a hole in them that is unsettlingly large.
  • 1d12 Damage Target: Spaces (9) Range: 4 Spaces Duration: Instant
  • Hit Points -25 Target: Spaces (9) Range: 4 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant and Mystic | Use In: BT Cost: 94
Attack of Many Angles
In a series of quick and brutal moves you dart in and out of your enemies attacking them from many different unexpected angles. The area this Power uses is a 3×3 hollow box around the user.
  • 1d4 Damage Target: Spaces (9) Range: Self Duration: Instant
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant and Mystic | Use In: BT Cost: 16
Cry Havoc
This dominating attack unleashes all of your known and hidden potential.
  • Attack +8 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
  • Damage +55 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
  • 20d16 Damage Target: AOE (2×2) Range: 4 Spaces Duration: Instant
  • Defenses -8 Target: AOE (2×2) Range: 4 Spaces Duration: 1 Round
  • Hit Points -130 Target: AOE (2×2) Range: 4 Spaces Duration: 1 Round
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant | Use In: BT Cost: 523
Everybody Move
Using his imposing size Dune clears a path and moves his allies along.
  • Move Ally 6 Target: AOE (2×2) Range: 2 Spaces Duration: Instant
Aggression: Defensive | Discipline: Combatant and Mystic | Use In: BT Cost: 19
Rending Swipe
With your mighty ax you slice through nearby foes.
  • 4d6 Damage Target: AOE (2×2) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant and Mystic | Use In: BT Cost: 34
Hand of Healing
You lay a healing hand on a target and heal their Hit Points.
  • 5d4 Healing Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
Aggression: Defensive | Discipline: Mystic and Generalist | Use In: BT TT RT Cost: 21
Genius Inspiration
You take a drop and feel your mind go to where other's dare not tread!
  • Scholar +6 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
Aggression: Defensive | Discipline: Mystic | Use In: BT TT RT Cost: 18
Annoy That Guy
Ohno tells a terrible joke that distracts and puts an enemy off balance.
  • Attack -1 Target: Creature (1) Range: 2 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
  • Defenses -2 Target: Creature (1) Range: 2 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant and Generalist | Use In: BT Cost: 24

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