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Atomic Power Database Search

Just like in other popular RPG’s like Dungeons and Dragons, the Atomic RPG System uses Powers to give the character a wide variety of special things that they can do, like spells and abilities in other RPG’s.


Here players can browse through and search the ever-expanding Atomic RPG System Power Database.

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Combatant Powers 885
Standard Atomic RPG Powers 1173
Generalist Powers 526
Advanced Atomic RPG Powers 582
Mystic Powers 380
Total Atomic RPG Powers 1755

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Random Atomic RPG Powers
Rally Around Dune
Calling out to bolster his allies Dune rallies his friends to greater deeds in battle!
  • 1d4 Healing Target: Creatures (6) Range: 8 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
  • Attack +2 Target: Creatures (6) Range: 8 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
Aggression: Defensive | Discipline: Generalist | Use In: BT TT RT Cost: 150
Taze Em Bro!
You shoot out a blast of electricity tazing an enemy.
  • Attack -6 Target: Creature (1) Range: 10 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant and Generalist | Use In: BT Cost: 68
Shadow Shift
You slide through nearby shadows to position yourself for an attack.
  • Move Ally 5 Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
  • 14d12 Damage Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant and Mystic | Use In: BT Cost: 121
Sour Face
You squish your face as if you had just tasted something sour. The frustration in your expression is apparent. Your enemies realize just how serious you are and lose heart in the fight.
  • 1d4 Damage Target: AOE (3×3) Range: 8 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
  • Hit Points -65 Target: AOE (3×3) Range: 8 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant and Mystic | Use In: BT Cost: 184
Not Where You Think
Wrapping yourself in illusion your real position is not where your enemies think it is! This greatly increases your Defenses. The confidence heals your wounds. In addition this Power grants you the ability to Teleport around making it that much more difficult for your enemy to find you.
  • 1d4 Healing Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 3 Rounds
  • Defenses +7 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 3 Rounds
  • Teleport Ally 10 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 3 Rounds
Aggression: Defensive | Discipline: Generalist | Use In: BT TT RT Cost: 141
Tree Stride
You are connected to all living things on the planet. You are able to connect one to the other and create a portal that leads from one to another.
  • Far Teleport Ally 1,000k Target: Space (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
Aggression: Defensive | Discipline: Mystic and Generalist | Use In: TT RT Cost: 32
Plague Of Insects
You summon swarms of insects from the area and send them to devour your enemies. These swarms wrap themselves around your enemy eating them alive. This Power does Hit Point Damage and reduces the target's Attack.
  • 1d8 Damage Target: Creatures (3) Range: 10 Spaces Duration: 3 Rounds
  • Attack -2 Target: Creatures (3) Range: 10 Spaces Duration: 3 Rounds
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant | Use In: BT Cost: 157
Purify By Fire
You blaze with fire burning away impurities and setting those near you ablaze!
  • Dispel Ally Penalty 65 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 2 Rounds
  • 1d16 Damage Target: Aura 3 Range: Self Duration: 2 Rounds
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant and Mystic | Use In: BT Cost: 301
Indigo Blow
Snort this sparkling blue sky crystal and feel a rush like no other!
  • 1d12 Healing Target: Creatures (2) Range: 4 Spaces Duration: Instant
  • Attack +5 Target: Creatures (2) Range: 4 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
  • Damage +36 Target: Creatures (2) Range: 4 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
  • Healing +45 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
Aggression: Defensive | Discipline: Generalist | Use In: BT TT RT Cost: 232
Fire Breathing
You blast your nearby enemies with a whiskey induced ball of fire.
  • 3d6 Damage Target: AOE (3×3) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant and Mystic | Use In: BT Cost: 37
Targeting Laser
You light up two targets as primary targets for your allies. The fear of their coming death lowers their Hit Points for a short time.
  • 1d6 Damage Target: Creatures (2) Range: 4 Spaces Duration: Instant
  • Hit Points -15 Target: Creatures (2) Range: 4 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant and Mystic | Use In: BT Cost: 52
Dune's Destroyer
Dune unleashes his inner "Destroyer" and wrecks shop to a little Static-X.
  • Attack +2 Target: AOE (2×2) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
  • 10d6 Damage Target: AOE (2×2) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant | Use In: BT Cost: 89
Restorative Tonic
Almost certainly not a worthless bottle of swamp water sold wholesale by an unscrupulous Creole snake oil salesman. 1d8 healing, 7 range.
  • 1d6 Healing Target: Creature (1) Range: 5 Spaces Duration: Instant
Aggression: Defensive | Discipline: Mystic and Generalist | Use In: BT TT RT Cost: 13
The Hunt Is On
The hunt begins and the adrenaline of the chase speeds you up and prepares you for the kill.
  • Damage +15 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 3 Rounds
  • Speed +2 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 3 Rounds
Aggression: Defensive | Discipline: Combatant and Generalist | Use In: BT Cost: 66
Kill Fido Kill
You sick your dogs on your enemies. The renewed command from you inspires them to kill!
  • 1d10 Healing Target: Creatures (3) Range: 7 Spaces Duration: 5 Rounds
Aggression: Defensive | Discipline: Mystic and Generalist | Use In: BT TT RT Cost: 123
Crescent Wrench Crunch
You grab the nearest heavy piece of metal which happens to be a wrench. You smash it suddonly into ypur enemies head.
  • 9d10 Damage Target: Creature (1) Range: 4 Spaces Duration: Instant
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant and Mystic | Use In: BT Cost: 68
Surprising Check
You make a surprising leap and shoulder slam an enemy.
  • Teleport Ally 6 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
  • 3d6 Damage Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Mystic | Use In: BT TT RT Cost: 22
Leashed by Fire
Long tendrils of fire connect multiple targets together pulling them into the center.
  • 1d4 Damage Target: Creatures (4) Range: 14 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
  • Move Enemy 7 Target: Creatures (4) Range: 14 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
  • Weaken Teleporting -10 Target: Creatures (4) Range: 14 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Mystic | Use In: BT Cost: 405
Head Shot
When a sniper has to take a target out quick, they use Head Shot.
  • Attack +2 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
  • 7d6 Damage Target: Creature (1) Range: 8 Spaces Duration: Instant
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant | Use In: BT Cost: 57
Bury Chainsaw
You bury a chainsaw in your enemy and leave it a moment so it can do its gory work.
  • Attack +4 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
  • 3d8 Damage Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Space Duration: 2 Rounds
Aggression: Offensive | Discipline: Combatant | Use In: BT Cost: 51

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