Athletics | Crafting | Nature | Perception | Religion | Scholar | Social | Subterfuge |
3 | 3 | 18 | 2 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 26 |
d20 +18 to Attack Body Defense | +23 to Damage
- Basic Attack
- This is Shade's Basic Attack.
- 2d6 Damage Target: 1 Space Range: 4 Spaces Duration: Instant
- Combat Maneuvers
- Look to the Power Tab for Shade's Combat Maneuvers.
- Drop Shot
- This is the standard body shot that is a sniper's bread and butter.
- 2d8 Damage (9) Target: Creature (1) Range: 7 Spaces Duration: Instant
d20 +18 to Attack Body Defense | +23 to Damage
- Body Shot
- When looking for a clean hit, there is no substitute for a body shot.
- Hit Points -25 Target: Creature (1) Range: 6 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
- Head Shot
- When a sniper has to take a target out quick, they use Head Shot.
- Attack +2 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
- 7d6 Damage (25) Target: Creature (1) Range: 8 Spaces Duration: Instant
- Knife Work
- When the enemy gets to close Shade busts out her knife to take care of her enemy quickly and quietly. [This Power created with a Base Power template.]
- Attack -1 Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Space Duration: 1 Round
- Rifle Stock Smash
- If the enemy gets too close to Shade she may smash the enemy in the face with the butt of her gun. Distracted and stunned the enemies Defenses decrease. [This Power created with a Base Power template.]
- Defenses -2 Target: Creature (1) Range: 2 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
d20 +16 to Attack Spirit Defense | +8 to Healing
- Blend In
- When you have to sneak in to flank the enemy you really want to Blend In.
- Subterfuge +5 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 2 Rounds
- Stealth Tips
- Giving nearby allies a few pointers from sniper training she helps them better defend themselves for a short time. [This Power created with a Base Power template.]
- Defenses +3 Target: Creature (1) Range: 3 Spaces Duration: 3 Rounds
- Taste of Home
- Pulling out one of her prized candies from home she gives it to an ally. The reminder of home helps to keep them going through the battle. [This Power created with a Base Power template.]
- 1d6 Healing (4) Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
d20 +16 to Attack Spirit Defense | +8 to Healing
- Shade Paints the Target
- Finding the weakest part of an enemy’s armor Shade paints her target making it easy for allies to target it!
- Defenses -1 Target: Creature (1) Range: 7 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
- Shade Paints the Target
- Finding the weakest part of an enemy’s armor Shade paints her target making it easy for allies to target it!
- Defenses -1 Target: Creature (1) Range: 7 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
- Joined Military After High School
- Directly after high school she signed up to join the military. From the very beginning she wanted to be a sniper.
- Distinguished Sniper
- From the very beginning Shade stood out from the crowd. As soon as she was able she applied for the sniper academy. Being accepted she continued to push to be one of the best snipers in her class.
Shade's Equipped Items
- Attack +4
- This effect grants Attack +4.
- Lesser Damage Increase
- Add 5 Damage to all offensive Powers that Damage Hit Points.
- Defenses +4
- This effect grants Defenses +4.
- Subterfuge +5
- This effect grants Subterfuge +5.
- Lesser Subterfuge Skill Focus
- Increase Subterfuge Skill by 4.
Shade's Unequipped Items
Unmodified Powers are listed on this page. Errors for Powers will also be displayed.
- Drop Shot
- This is the standard body shot that is a sniper's bread and butter.
- 2d8 Damage Target: Creature (1) Range: 7 Spaces Duration: Instant
- Basic Attack
- This is a basic attack. Either Body Attack versus Body Defense or Mind Attack versus Mind Defense. This would be the Power used for attacks that the character does not have a specific Power for. Examples might be throwing an object or grabbing some object and attacking with it. This Power is the stand in for all such actions.
- 2d6 Damage Target: Creature (1) Range: 4 Duration: Instant
- Exploit Weakness
- You attempt to find a weakness in the target. Roll a Mind Attack versus Mind Defense. On a successful Attack the target will suffer a penalty to Defenses for a round due to exposing a weaknesses.
- Defenses -2 Target: Creature (1) Range: 8 Duration: 1 Round
- Head Games
- You attempt to mess with your target's head. Roll Spirit Attack against Spirit Defense. On a successful Attack, you can dictate who the target must attack. If they fail to attack the Head Games target, then they suffer an Attack penalty.
- Attack -2 Target: Creature (1) Range: 8 Duration: 1 Round
- Knock Around
- You attempt to move a target. Roll Body Attack versus Body Defense. On a successful Attack, you are able to move the target. Size differences can modify the amount moved.
- Move Enemy 3 Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Duration: Instant
- Reckless Offense
- Use this to recklessly attack in combat. This grants both bonuses and penalties for a round. At anytime during this Combat Maneuver an At-Will Power can be used.
- Speed +2 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Attack +2 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Defenses -2 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Careful Defense
- Use this to increase your Defenses. During this action you may only use defensive disposable items.
- Speed +2 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Defenses +2 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Parley
- Attempts to calm down the conflict by moving from Battle Time to Turn time. Body, Mind, or Spirit attacks can be used against the corrisponding Defenses. Read Combat Maneuver Rules for more information.
- Combat Manuever Attack +2 Target: 2 Creatures Range: 8 Spaces Duration: 1 Round
- Body Shot
- When looking for a clean hit, there is no substitute for a body shot.
- Hit Points -25 Target: Creature (1) Range: 6 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
- Head Shot
- When a sniper has to take a target out quick, they use Head Shot.
- Attack +2 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
- 7d6 Damage Target: Creature (1) Range: 8 Spaces Duration: Instant
- Knife Work
- When the enemy gets to close Shade busts out her knife to take care of her enemy quickly and quietly. [This Power created with a Base Power template.]
- Attack -1 Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Space Duration: 1 Round
- Rifle Stock Smash
- If the enemy gets too close to Shade she may smash the enemy in the face with the butt of her gun. Distracted and stunned the enemies Defenses decrease. [This Power created with a Base Power template.]
- Defenses -2 Target: Creature (1) Range: 2 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
- Blend In
- When you have to sneak in to flank the enemy you really want to Blend In.
- Subterfuge +5 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 2 Rounds
- Stealth Tips
- Giving nearby allies a few pointers from sniper training she helps them better defend themselves for a short time. [This Power created with a Base Power template.]
- Defenses +3 Target: Creature (1) Range: 3 Spaces Duration: 3 Rounds
- Taste of Home
- Pulling out one of her prized candies from home she gives it to an ally. The reminder of home helps to keep them going through the battle. [This Power created with a Base Power template.]
- 1d6 Healing Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
- Shade Paints the Target
- Finding the weakest part of an enemy’s armor Shade paints her target making it easy for allies to target it!
- Defenses -1 Target: Creature (1) Range: 7 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
- Shade Paints the Target
- Finding the weakest part of an enemy’s armor Shade paints her target making it easy for allies to target it!
- Defenses -1 Target: Creature (1) Range: 7 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
- Minor Subterfuge Skill Focus
- 'Increase Subterfuge Skill by 2.
- Minor Attack Accuracy
- 'Add 1 to all attacks.
- Minor Reroll
- 'Reroll 1 dice roll of 1 between every Full Rest.
- Minor Vicious Critical
- 'Optional Critical Hit table roll increased by 1.
- Lesser Attack Accuracy
- 'Add 2 to all attacks.
- Lesser Subterfuge Skill Focus
- 'Increase Subterfuge Skill by 4.
- Lesser Reroll
- 'Reroll 2 dice rolls of 2 or lower between every Full Rest.
- Lesser Vicious Critical
- 'Optional Critical Hit table roll increased by 2.
Use the following table only if you have very special character modifications that need to be made and they cannot be added anywhere else. These should be things like special GM bonuses and other "cheater" modifications. All normal Atomic RPG System character additions should be able to be made elsewhere.
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- Keep a character diary.
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