Athletics | Crafting | Nature | Perception | Religion | Scholar | Social | Subterfuge |
5 | 5 | 3 | 33 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 28 |
- Superior Lessen Critical Hit
- Critical Hits do 100 less damage to your character.
d20 +32 to Attack Body Defense | +49 to Damage
- Basic Attack
- This is Robotic Submarine - N4T1LS's Basic Attack.
- 5d12 Damage Target: 1 Space Range: 20 Spaces Duration: Instant
- Combat Maneuvers
- Look to the Power Tab for Robotic Submarine - N4T1LS's Combat Maneuvers.
- Deck Gun
- This powerful waterproof weapon can auto target and fire at enemies. It can work both above and below the water's surface.
- Damage +45 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
- 6d16 Damage (51) Target: AOE (5x5) Range: 17 Spaces Duration: Instant
d20 +32 to Attack Body Defense | +49 to Damage
- Activate Damage Control
- You activate systems that begin to analyze and repair system problems.
- 1d16 Healing (9) Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 5 Rounds
- Healing +28 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 5 Rounds
- Electrified Field
- You produce a powerful electified field around you causing great harm to any enemies nearby.
- 7d16 Damage (60) Target: Aura 2 Range: Self Duration: 2 Rounds
- Tactical Missile Launch
- You fire a tactical missile at your enemy!
- Damage +55 Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
- 6d16 Damage (51) Target: AOE (7x7) Range: 25 Spaces Duration: Instant
- Torpedo Volley
- You send a volley of torpedoes at your enemies.
- Attack +5 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
- Damage +21 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
- 13d16 Damage (111) Target: Creatures (2) Range: 20 Spaces Duration: Instant
- Battle Tactics
- There are two levels of tactics here. One, ship to ship battles where you would use the Powers the ship has itself against other ships. And the ship to passenger level where the AI of the ship works against those inside. Or of course, it can just be a regular vehicle. When fighting ship to ship it will generally use the tactics given to it by the captain. When acting against those on the ship in more of a security fashion it will use traps, robotic NPCs, and other surprises it might devise.
- Included Map
- The map that is included with this NPC is just an idea of the layout and design. Using it the sub also has two extendable arms which it uses for a gang plank. These arms can also be used like robotic arms for salvage, repair, and other creative uses the captain might come up with. However, if you would like to design your own interior feel free! There are lots of possibilities to be had here.
- Size and Scale
- These are important considerations when creating an encounter with this NPC. Is this going to be ship to ship? Are the PCs going to stow away on it? Is it going to be ship to PC. Once this is decided make sure that you reference the Size and Scale modifiers for this type of Encounter: If the PC's will be inside then it is best to stick to normal size rules and treat it more as a dungeon crawl then the s
- AI
- If used as a full robotic ship then it has an AI that can easily do many of the manual tasks. It generally is coded to follow the orders of the captain but can make some decisions on it's own. If left to it's own devices it usually will try to carry out the last major mission or orders it was given. It is programmed this way so that if something catastrophic happens it will return to it's home port with hopefully still completing the mission.
- Hacking the Central Intelicore
- This has an incredibly sophisticated computer and power source that runs the submarine. It is more difficult to hack into than normal systems as there is an AI installed that will work against any such tampering. However, that doesn't mean it is impossible, just very difficulty. With this in mind hacking the sub should be treated more as a Turn Time Encounter with a series of hacking, engineering, subterfuge, and other deceptive measures taken to fully take control of the sub.
NPC Auto Assigned Bonuses
Robotic Submarine - N4T1LS's Equipped Items
Robotic Submarine - N4T1LS's Unequipped Items
Unmodified Powers are listed on this page. Errors for Powers will also be displayed.
- Deck Gun
- This powerful waterproof weapon can auto target and fire at enemies. It can work both above and below the water's surface.
- Damage +45 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
- 1d16 Damage Target: AOE (5x5) Range: 7 Spaces Duration: Instant
- Basic Attack
- This is a basic attack. Either Body Attack versus Body Defense or Mind Attack versus Mind Defense. This would be the Power used for attacks that the character does not have a specific Power for. Examples might be throwing an object or grabbing some object and attacking with it. This Power is the stand in for all such actions.
- 5d12 Damage Target: Creature (1) Range: 10 Duration: Instant
- Exploit Weakness
- You attempt to find a weakness in the target. Roll a Mind Attack versus Mind Defense. On a successful Attack the target will suffer a penalty to Defenses for a round due to exposing a weaknesses.
- Defenses -5 Target: Creature (1) Range: 20 Duration: 1 Round
- Head Games
- You attempt to mess with your target's head. Roll Spirit Attack against Spirit Defense. On a successful Attack, you can dictate who the target must attack. If they fail to attack the Head Games target, then they suffer an Attack penalty.
- Attack -5 Target: Creature (1) Range: 20 Duration: 1 Round
- Knock Around
- You attempt to move a target. Roll Body Attack versus Body Defense. On a successful Attack, you are able to move the target. Size differences can modify the amount moved.
- Move Enemy 6 Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Duration: Instant
- Reckless Offense
- Use this to recklessly attack in combat. This grants both bonuses and penalties for a round. At anytime during this Combat Maneuver an At-Will Power can be used.
- Speed +5 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Attack +5 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Defenses -5 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Careful Defense
- Use this to increase your Defenses. During this action you may only use defensive disposable items.
- Speed +5 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Defenses +5 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Parley
- Attempts to calm down the conflict by moving from Battle Time to Turn time. Body, Mind, or Spirit attacks can be used against the corrisponding Defenses. Read Combat Maneuver Rules for more information.
- Combat Manuever Attack +5 Target: 5 Creatures Range: 20 Spaces Duration: 1 Round
- Activate Damage Control
- You activate systems that begin to analyze and repair system problems.
- 1d16 Healing Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 5 Rounds
- Healing +28 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 5 Rounds
- Electrified Field
- You produce a powerful electified field around you causing great harm to any enemies nearby.
- 2d16 Damage Target: Aura 2 Range: Self Duration: 2 Rounds
- Tactical Missile Launch
- You fire a tactical missile at your enemy!
- Damage +55 Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
- 1d16 Damage Target: AOE (7x7) Range: 15 Spaces Duration: Instant
- Torpedo Volley
- You send a volley of torpedoes at your enemies.
- Attack +5 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
- Damage +21 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
- 8d16 Damage Target: Creatures (2) Range: 10 Spaces Duration: Instant
Power Error Note: It is OK if an NPC has errors on their Powers. NPC’s can have a mix of Powers. However, if there are more Powers with errors then don’t have errors; GMs should consider adjusting the NPC. The Archetype, Focus, or Traits should be changed to better suit the Powers they have.
- Superior Damage Resistance
- 'Reduce damage by 25 anytime damage is taken.
- Superior Defenses
- 'Add 5 to all Defenses.
- Superior Enhanced Damage
- 'Add 5 dice to all powers that damage Hit Points.
- Superior Lessen Critical Hit
- 'Critical Hits do 100 less damage to your character.
- Superior Ranged Combat
- 'Increase Power Effects with a Range of 4 or higher by 10 Spaces.
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