Athletics | Crafting | Nature | Perception | Religion | Scholar | Social | Subterfuge |
30 | 6 | 1 | 20 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
d20 +36 to Attack Body Defense | +55 to Damage
- Basic Attack
- This is Purple Worm's Basic Attack.
- 4d10 Damage Target: 3x3 AOE Range: 8 Spaces Duration: Instant
- Combat Maneuvers
- Look to the Power Tab for Purple Worm's Combat Maneuvers.
- Driven By Hunger
- When you are hungry nothing can scamper away from your waiting maw.
- Attack +5 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
- 14d8 Damage (63) Target: Creature (1) Range: 6 Spaces Duration: Instant
d20 +36 to Attack Body Defense | +55 to Damage
- Flurry of Destruction
- You enter the area and unleash everything you have in a devastating attack. Nothing escapes the small area until you are through with it. You then toss what is left about at your whim.
- 9d12 Damage (59) Target: AOE (3x3) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
- Move Enemy 4 Target: AOE (3x3) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
- Howl of Fear
- With a blood curdling howl you frighten those around you weakening their will to fight.
- Attack -3 Target: AOE (5x5) Range: 1 Space Duration: 2 Rounds
- Defenses -3 Target: AOE (5x5) Range: 1 Space Duration: 2 Rounds
- Smorgasbord
- A variety of hot and cold meats presents itself. You decide to dig in and feast! Those enemies that are treated as a smorgasbord also suffer penalties.
- 7d12 Damage (46) Target: AOE (2x2) Range: 12 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
- Defenses -2 Target: AOE (2x2) Range: 12 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
- Speed -2 Target: AOE (2x2) Range: 12 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
- Prized Parts
- Many of the Purple Worms parts and pieces are prized by various cultures. Greatly sought after for their scales, teeth, and blood these can fetch a high prices. They do not have any innate power themselves. Some claim to have the ability to coax out the powers that are hidden inside of Purple Worms. Armor made with the scales is said to have great Resistance. Weapons are said to have extra "bite".
- Voracious Eaters
- Purple Worms will consume nearly all organic matter that they encounter. It is believed that they have periods of activity where they consume as much as possible. Then they go dormant for a time. This behavior has yet to be verified as nobody knows just where the Purple Worms go during this "dormancy".
- Rumors of Training
- Vague rumors float around the outskirts of Purple Worm territories of incredibly skilled animal trainers that are able to raise and then train Purple Worms. This would be very useful as they could be used for construction and as tools of war. Fortunately though no stories of this type have yet been verified.
- Territorial
- Purple Worms can be very territorial. Since little is known about their natural life cycles it is unknown if they are even male or females that are the most aggressive. Conflicting theories of worms guarding broods or alpha males protecting matting grounds battle it out. No concrete evidence of either behavior has been observed. Though it does become clear where Purple Worm territories are by those that live near them.
NPC Auto Assigned Bonuses
Purple Worm's Equipped Items
Purple Worm's Unequipped Items
Unmodified Powers are listed on this page. Errors for Powers will also be displayed.
- Driven By Hunger
- When you are hungry nothing can scamper away from your waiting maw.
- Attack +5 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: Instant
- 10d8 Damage Target: Creature (1) Range: 6 Spaces Duration: Instant
- Basic Attack
- This is a basic attack. Either Body Attack versus Body Defense or Mind Attack versus Mind Defense. This would be the Power used for attacks that the character does not have a specific Power for. Examples might be throwing an object or grabbing some object and attacking with it. This Power is the stand in for all such actions.
- 4d10 Damage Target: Creature (1) Range: 8 Duration: Instant
- Exploit Weakness
- You attempt to find a weakness in the target. Roll a Mind Attack versus Mind Defense. On a successful Attack the target will suffer a penalty to Defenses for a round due to exposing a weaknesses.
- Defenses -4 Target: Creature (1) Range: 16 Duration: 1 Round
- Head Games
- You attempt to mess with your target's head. Roll Spirit Attack against Spirit Defense. On a successful Attack, you can dictate who the target must attack. If they fail to attack the Head Games target, then they suffer an Attack penalty.
- Attack -4 Target: Creature (1) Range: 16 Duration: 1 Round
- Knock Around
- You attempt to move a target. Roll Body Attack versus Body Defense. On a successful Attack, you are able to move the target. Size differences can modify the amount moved.
- Move Enemy 5 Target: Creature (1) Range: 1 Duration: Instant
- Reckless Offense
- Use this to recklessly attack in combat. This grants both bonuses and penalties for a round. At anytime during this Combat Maneuver an At-Will Power can be used.
- Speed +4 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Attack +4 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Defenses -4 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Careful Defense
- Use this to increase your Defenses. During this action you may only use defensive disposable items.
- Speed +4 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Defenses +4 Target: Creature (1) Range: Self Duration: 1 Round
- Parley
- Attempts to calm down the conflict by moving from Battle Time to Turn time. Body, Mind, or Spirit attacks can be used against the corrisponding Defenses. Read Combat Maneuver Rules for more information.
- Combat Manuever Attack +4 Target: 4 Creatures Range: 16 Spaces Duration: 1 Round
- Flurry of Destruction
- You enter the area and unleash everything you have in a devastating attack. Nothing escapes the small area until you are through with it. You then toss what is left about at your whim.
- 5d12 Damage Target: AOE (3x3) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
- Move Enemy 4 Target: AOE (3x3) Range: 1 Space Duration: Instant
- Howl of Fear
- With a blood curdling howl you frighten those around you weakening their will to fight.
- Attack -3 Target: AOE (5x5) Range: 1 Space Duration: 2 Rounds
- Defenses -3 Target: AOE (5x5) Range: 1 Space Duration: 2 Rounds
- Smorgasbord
- A variety of hot and cold meats presents itself. You decide to dig in and feast! Those enemies that are treated as a smorgasbord also suffer penalties.
- 3d12 Damage Target: AOE (2x2) Range: 12 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
- Defenses -2 Target: AOE (2x2) Range: 12 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
- Speed -2 Target: AOE (2x2) Range: 12 Spaces Duration: 2 Rounds
The above Power (Smorgasbord) exceeds the At-Will Power Cap. Reduce the cost of this power to equal or less than Primary Power Cap.
Power Error Note: It is OK if an NPC has errors on their Powers. NPC’s can have a mix of Powers. However, if there are more Powers with errors then don’t have errors; GMs should consider adjusting the NPC. The Archetype, Focus, or Traits should be changed to better suit the Powers they have.
- Greater Defenses
- 'Add 4 to all Defenses.
- Greater Enhanced Damage
- 'Add 4 dice to all powers that damage Hit Points.
- Greater Hit Points
- 'Add 100 Hit Points.
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