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Atomic RPG System Submission Guidelines


One of the awesome things about the Atomic RPG System is that players can make their own custom Atomic RPG System content. Players can then contribute their creations to the Atomic RPG System. Accepted submissions can be seen publicly and count toward Atomic RPG System Account Feature rewards. Player Characters, Non Player Characters, Powers, and Atomic RPG System Items can all be created by players. To ensure that top-quality Atomic RPG System content submissions are available for the Atomic community, a set of criteria exists for player-built creations. Once a submission passes the Atomic RPG System content criteria, it will be released publicly for everyone to enjoy.

To help foster an always-expanding Atomic RPG System, rewards will be offered whenever possible for Atomic RPG System Contributors that submit Contributed Atomic RPG System content. The rewards offered will depend upon the type of Atomic RPG System content. Due to the dynamic environment of the Atomic RPG System, these rewards cannot be guaranteed. We will strive to encourage and reward as much as possible because the Atomic Community is key to the creativity and growth that will make the Atomic RPG System the best role playing system available!

Submission Guideline for all Contributions

Here are some general guidelines that all entries should follow.

  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Respecting Copyright
  • Legal Atomic RPG System Content
  • Completeness of Content
  • Respect for Real People
  • Adult Content (keep it to PG 13 and below)
  • Minimum of 10 Tags

In an effort to make this Atomic RPG System content available to the public in the fastest and most efficient way, there will be a “Three Strike Rule” for a submission. This means that if any submission gets three strikes or more (based on the criteria listed above), that submission will be rejected or denied. For more specifics for content Contribution, please see the sections below that relate directly to the Contribution type.


Player Character Atomic RPG System Submissions

Here are the specifics for submitting Player Characters. Please keep in mind that bonuses for Contributing Player Characters and Non Player characters are based off overall levels of Player Character submissions, not each Character  Contributed. This is to encourage Atomic RPG System users to make a variety of PC’s and NPC’s of different levels.

  • Complete Character Submission: No Missing Sections (RP, Items, Powers, Leveling). Characters need to be something someone would want to play. Characters built with obvious flaws will be rejected. (Ex: Combatant with Spirit Maxed with only Mystic Disciplines. Unusual builds MUST have accompanying Character Notes in RP section to be considered.)
  • Name
  • Character Description
  • All character stats entered and in line with Atomic RPG System rules.
  • Role Play: Complete role play and history of character. Players need to be able to play the character as intended if they choose.
  • Character Portrait Image
  • 3 Entries each for Physical, Personality, Historical
  • 1 Language minimum
  • 1 Character Note Entry per character Tier
  • 1 Equipped Item Per Tier
  • 1 Unequipped Item Per Tier (Day-to-day useful items.)
  • Regular Atomic RPG System Items: The items on the character must make sense and work for the character build and genre.
  • Total Character Wealth (Not Standard Wealth).
  • Powers: Power and Disciplines must be built and agree with overall concept.
  • 90% of Power Points Spent
  • If a Template Power is used, the name and description must be tailored to the character.
  • All Powers must already be approved. If custom Powers were created for this character Contribute them prior to this character for approval.
  • If a Power with another Character’s name and description is used, change the name and description to fit the Character. EX: If Character Joe the Barbarian is using Kar’ra’nor’s Vicious Attack, the name should be changed. Use the edit tab at the bottom of that character’s Edit Powers page to change it to Joe’s Vicious Attack.
  • Leveling – All Leveling information must be complete, legal, and make sense for the character.
  • Leveling Notes must be included for characters who need some explanation.
  • GM Mods – Characters should not have any Mods. Detailed notes must be included with any GM Mod added.
    • Expect most Mods to be deleted off a character if included. This will be considered a strike.
  • Player Characters may be rejected back to the user. In this case, we think you are close to a great Atomic submission but it needs a little more cleaning up. A Character Note will appear on the character to explain this. If this happens, just scrub through the character and fix the areas that do not quite meet the Atomic RPG System guidelines.

Non Player Character Atomic RPG System Submissions

Non player characters are a little more open than characters as far as what will be accepted. However, all considerations  for Player Characters will be considered for NPCs with the following exceptions.

  • 1 Language minimum only if it is an intelligent NPC.
  • Items – Generally NPC’s don’t have specific items.
  • If an NPC has items, NPC GM Mods should be deleted. Then PC rules will be used to look at Items.
  • Powers – NPC’s can have a wide range of Powers. Some have a lot, some have few.
  • Spend 50% Power Points.
  • Leveling – NPC’s do not level.
  • Specialties should be legal and make sense.
  • Mods – NPCs normally use GM Mods. GM Mods are used to represent a NPC’s items, gear, and other things quickly and easily without having to add or build each little thing.
  • Standard Mods are OK if they are no items.
  • Additional GM Mods are also OK with satisfactory explanations of why they are added. These can often help to give the NPC the extra flavor it might need.
  • Large or many different GM Mods that are bonuses should be offset by penalties. EX: +20 Mystic Defense, -10 to Combatant and Generalist Defenses.
  • NPCs may be rejected back to the user. In this case, we think you are close to a great Atomic submission but it needs a little more cleaning up. A Character Note will appear on the character to explain this. If this happens, just scrub through the NPC and fix the areas that do not quite meet the Atomic RPG System guidelines.

Power Atomic RPG System Submissions

Atomic RPG System Powers are awesome and nearly limitless. This means there can be a truly mind boggling amount of Powers that may be submitted. Some further considerations will have to be made to make sure the Power database does not get too big.

  • Powers must be complete, legal, and follow all the generic standards presented so far.
  • Powers with the exact duplicate effects and stats of another will likely be denied.
  • Powers that cost 500 Power Points or more will likely be denied. There will not be many characters that will be able to use it. Most characters will not exceed 300 Power Points they can use on a single Power.
  • Powers should have good, fun, descriptive explanations.  If a specific action is not described for the action it will be denied. EX: “Power does 2d6 damage to 3×3 AOE.”  This description will count as a strike. A better description might be; “Drawing your blades, you begin the sword kata, Crashing Waves, against your enemies in an area next to you.

Item Atomic RPG System Submissions

Atomic RPG System Items are as awesome and nearly limitless as Atomic RPG System Powers are. This means there can be a truly mind boggling amount of items that may be submitted. Some considerations will have to be made to make sure the item database does not get too big.

  • Atomic RPG System Items must be complete and legal and follow all the generic standards presented so far.
  • Atomic RPG System Items with the exact duplicate effects and stats of another will likely be denied.
  • Atomic RPG System Items that cost millions and millions of cash will likely be denied. There will not be many characters that will be able to purchase these. Exceptions will be made. As cool as a bunch of super crazy powerful items in the database would be it makes little sense to have them when few, if any, could actually use them.
  • Atomic RPG System Items should have good, fun, descriptive explanations.  If a specific action is not described for the action it will be denied. EX: “A weapon that grants +3 Attack and gives you Minor Reroll.” This description will count as a strike. A better description might be: “This highly polished dagger has a golden coin melted into the hilt. The great craftsmanship makes it much easier to defeat enemy’s Defenses. You also take note that it seems your luck has changed for the better since you found this fine dagger. You would swear that just when it things look like they are going wrong, the little jester on the coin winks and everything turns out ok.
  • Generic or repetitive non-effect items will be denied. Items that are just a shirt but range in cost from 1 to 100 will be rejected. For generic/non-effect items please post on the Atomic RPG System forums for additions if yours are denied. In most cases characters can select another item in the database and make these changes as custom changes on the character.

Adventure Atomic RPG System Submissions

Atomic RPG System Adventuress can run the gamut of your imagination. This means there can be a truly mind boggling amount of Adventures that may be submitted. Adventures that closely replicate or mimic existing Adventures may not be accepted if they are not unique enough. Besides trying to keep duplicates out of the database here are some other requirements for Adventure Contribution. 

  • Adventures must be complete and legal following all of the generic standards presented so far.
  • Adventures need to be complete with a good summary, important details of the story of the Adventure, good GM notes to help guide players, and fully hashed out Encounters and Conclusions. 
  • Adventures should have at least 10 tags describing it. A few tags will be automatically assigned.
  • Adventures need to have at least 1 image attached to it. Though it is recommended to have many more.
  • Adventures will need to fit into their difficulty and length settings or be adjusted.

Encounter Atomic RPG System Submissions

Atomic RPG System Encounters can run the gamut of your imagination. This means there can be a truly mind boggling amount of Encounters that may be submitted. Encounters that closely replicate or mimic existing Encounters may not be accepted if they are not unique enough. Besides trying to keep duplicates out of the database here are some other requirements for Encounter Contribution. 

  • Atomic RPG System Encounters must be complete and legal following all of the generic standards presented so far.
  • Encounters need to be complete with a good summary, important details, and tactics included. 
  • Encounters should have at least 10 tags describing them. A few tags will be automatically assigned.
  • Encounters need to have at least 1 image attached to it. 
  • Encounters will need to fit into their difficulty settings or be adjusted.

We hope that this set of guidelines and standards for the Atomic RPG System content Contributions helps users to submit the best quality content they can. We want all players of the Atomic RPG System to Contribute. We know each and every gamer can make the Atomic RPG System better. Through working together as the Atomic RPG System community, we should be able to make the best, most powerful, and most entertaining role play game around. If you have any further questions about submissions, please visit the Atomic RPG System forums and ask there. We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have.