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Rules of Conduct

The following are basic Rules of Conduct for users of https://atomicrpgsystem.com/.

Failure to comply with these rules of conduct may result in the termination (“banning”) of your web site account. Because every situation is different, all moderation of https://atomicrpgsystem.com/ is at the discretion of https://atomicrpgsystem.com/. These rules are subject to change without notice; please review them regularly.

While participating on https://atomicrpgsystem.com/, you must respect the rights of others to participate in the community. To this end you may not harass, defraud, threaten or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other members. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Name-calling or other insults
  • Posting or commenting with the intent of provoking (“trolling”) another user or users
  • Flaming another user for their spelling or grammar
  • Bringing disagreements with someone into unrelated threads or blog posts/comments
  • Creating a thread, post, or comment on https://atomicrpgsystem.com/ that calls out another player(s) for their actions in game

You may not use, distribute, or spotlight, or post links to sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially, nationally, ethnically offensive content or language, or other content deemed inappropriate at the discretion of https://atomicrpgsystem.com/.

Profanity is prohibited on https://atomicrpgsystem.com/.

You may not violate any local, state, national, or international laws, or regulations.

You may not market, promote, advertise or solicit products or services for sale or trade within https://atomicrpgsystem.com/. You may not post advertisements for websites that are not directly related to https://atomicrpgsystem.com/.

You may not form or participate in groups whose ideology is based on or resembles anti-religious, anti-ethnic, anti-sexual orientation, racist, or sexist philosophies.

Making short posts for the sole purpose of moving your thread up the Forums (“bumping”) or adding to your post count is not allowed.

You may not upload or transmit copyrighted material without the express consent of the copyright holder.

You may not post the personally identifiable information of another user, including but not limited to their real name, address, phone number, email address, or links to personal websites without the express consent of that user.

Discussion of religious or political topics is prohibited on https://atomicrpgsystem.com/.

Please do not respond in kind to posts that violate the these guidelines, as this may result in disciplinary action against your own account.  Report the post to the moderators.

Users are entitled to one primary account for posting on https://atomicrpgsystem.com/. Players who are found posting from more than one account may be asked to declare a primary account and posting privileges will be removed from all other accounts. Secondary accounts created for the purpose of trolling or otherwise violating these guidelines may result in the permanent ban of any and all associated accounts, at https://atomicrpgsystem.com/ discretion.

We do not publicly discuss moderation decisions, or disciplinary actions taken against members, on https://atomicrpgsystem.com/ and we ask that you do not either. Any threads or posts that mention bans, or thread/post deletions or modifications, etc. are subject to removal and may result in further disciplinary action.

Posting the same thread to multiple forums (“cross-posting”) without express permission of https://atomicrpgsystem.com/ is not allowed. If a thread needs to be moved, please request to have a moderator move it.

You may not deliberately misrepresent yourself as another player or guild in your comments, posts, linked images, or signature.

Violating these guidelines can result in your account being banned.

All visitors to https://atomicrpgsystem.com/ are logged by IP address. We may occasionally ban a user by their IP address. Further abuse by users who have been IP banned may result in an abuse report to the user’s internet service provider.

If your https://atomicrpgsystem.com/ account has been banned and you feel this ban is in error, ban appeals may be sent through to webmaster@fyxtrpg.com. Please include your account name in all correspondence.

https://atomicrpgsystem.com/ strives to foster the community by bringing you up to date information and administering with fair, impartial moderation.

This is a gaming site and gaming is all about having fun. Keep it good natured and friendly and it will reflect in https://atomicrpgsystem.com  community as a whole.