Empowering Tabletop RPG Gamers to create and play any custom game they can imagine.

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    • #12024

      As you may notice from some of the threads this game has been around for some time. And I wanted to be clear that it has not been forgotten.

      Quite the opposite. We’ve been playing it weekly for years and it has run any and every type and style of campaign we can throw at it. Since it continues to stand up to all of our game testing I decided it was time for another overhaul.

      What does that mean?
      1.) Getting on a better server. (DONE!) This site should be nice and snappy for you.
      2.) Redesign the site with modern features and usability in mind. (I am currently working on this part.)
      3.) Finish up the GM tools for Adventures/Encounters/Campaigns. These are well on there way and in alpha now. GOD accounts can test and use these tools.
      4.) Squash bugs! I’m always doing this and will never stop! 🙂

      So just a quick update on the state of the game. Why things have been changing around here and what you can expect.

      That’s all for now. Thanks for playing!

    • #13280

      Just a heads up that the redesign and upgrade is nearly complete. Tackling the last of the bugs from the upgrades.

      So far things are running great! Super fast and snappy. Love it!

      Thanks for your patience.

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