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Anyone can play the Atomic RPG System for free without fear of “paywalls” or “pay for power”. Premium accounts have more room for custom PCs, NPCs, Powers, and Items. See the details of the differences here. Try it without risk for 30 days, if you don’t like it cancel at anytime. Thank you for playing the Atomic RPG System!

Account Feature List Free Access Paid Premium Access Special Access
Guest Hero Epic Hero Legendary GM Atomic RPG God
Alpha/Beta Access
Basic Atomic RPG Rules
Read Atomic RPG Forums
Participate in Atomic RPG Forums
Basic Atomic RPG Rules
Advanced Atomic RPG Rules
Basic Atomic RPG Specialties
Advanced Atomic RPG Specialties
Atomic RPG Friends 5 15 20 25
Basic Dice Roller
Advanced Dice Roller
Atomic RPG Contributions
Contributions Queue Priority Lowest Medium High Highest
Support Queue Priority Lowest Medium High Highest
Account Feature List Free Access Paid Premium Access Special Access
Guest Hero Epic Hero Legendary GM Atomic RPG God
Create PC
Custom PCs 1* 5* 10* 25*
Advanced PC
Images per PC 1 4 6 10
Physical Traits per PC 5 12 20 25
Personality Traits per PC 5 12 20 25
History Per PC 5 12 20 25
Expanded PC Notes 5 10 15 25
Journals per PC
10 25 50
GM Modifications per PC 5 10 15
PC Contributions in Queue 1 5 10 25
PC Contributions per 7 Days 1 3 4 5
Account Feature List Free Access Paid Premium Access Special Access
Guest Hero Epic Hero Legendary GM Atomic RPG God
Create NPCs
Custom NPCs 3* 20* 30* 50*
Advanced NPCs
Images per NPC 1 3 4 5
Physical Traits per NPC 5 15 20 25
Personality Traits per NPC 5 15 20 25
History per NPC 5 15 20 25
Expanded NPC Notes 5 10 15 25
Journals per NPC 2 3 4
Extra Specialties per NPC 2 3 4
GM Mods per NPC 6 8 10
NPC Contributions in Queue 3 20 30 50
NPC Contributions per 7 Days 2 6 8 10
Account Feature List Free Access Paid Premium Access Special Access
Guest Hero Epic Hero Legendary GM Atomic RPG God
Use Basic Powers
Create Basic Powers
Use Advanced Powers
Create Advanced Powers
Custom Powers 5* 15* 25* 50*
Powers per PC 10 14 16 20
Extra Powers per NPC 3 6 8
Power Contributions in Queue 5 15 25 50
Power Contributions per 7 Days 2 6 8 10
Account Feature List Free Access Paid Premium Access Special Access
Guest Hero Epic Hero Legendary GM Atomic RPG God
Use Basic Items
Create Basic Items
Use Advanced Items
Create Advanced Items
Use Epic Items
Create Epic Items
Use Legendary Items
Create Legendary Items
Custom Items 3* 20* 30* 50*
Items per PC 10 20 25 30
Assets per PC 5 15 20 25
Items per NPC 2 10 12 15
Item Contributions in Queue 3 20 30 50
Item Contributions per 7 Days 2 6 8 10
Account Feature List Free Access Paid Premium Access Special Access
Guest Hero Epic Hero Legendary GM Atomic RPG God
Create Real Time Encounters
Create Turn Time Encounters
Create Battle Time Encounters
Add Images to Encounters
Link Encounter to Adventure
View and use published Encounters
Use Encounter Calculator
Number of Custom Encounters 2* 10* 25* 50*
Unique NPCs per Encounter 3 5 10 15
Number of Encounter Images 2 5 10 15
Maximum Rounds per Turn Time Encounter 10 10 10 10
Item Contributions per 7 Days 1 5 10 20
Account Feature List Free Access Paid Premium Access Special Access
Guest Hero Epic Hero Legendary GM Atomic RPG God
View and use published Adventures
Create Adventures
Add Images to Custom Adventures
Link Encounters to Adventure
Use Adventure Generator
Number of Custom Adventures 0* 10* 20* 50*
Number of Encounters per Adventures 10* 10* 10* 10*
Unique NPCs per Adventure 10 10 10 10
Number of Adventure Images 10 10 10 10
Maximum Items per Adventure 5 5 5 5
Adventure Contributions per 7 Days 1 3 5 10

This is a comprehensive list of all of the account features enjoyed by AtomicRPGsystem.com members. If you have any questions or comments please post them on our Atomic RPG Forums. We are happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Category: Billing